Let’s partner & grow together!
Cropin & its network of partners offer AI/ML-powered solutions built on trillions of farm-level pixel data sets to enterprises across the globe helping them with risk mitigation, predictive modeling, and making informed decisions backed by real-time intelligent business insights.

A Partnership that works for you.
The only way we succeed is when WE succeed.
We give our best to make it work
Every Partner requires support & confidence to hit the ground running. We trust our partners, and deliver on the support.
Products & Deal Assistance
Transparency in Everything
Training and Grooming
Help you Unlock Growth
Why choose us?
Multi-Value Chain Focus
Location & Crop Agnostic Solution
Global Presence in 52+ Countries
Easy Integrations via APIs
Where do you fit best?

Benefits for Solution Partners
Orchestrate large scale partnerships & drive revenue
Access to subject matter experts
ROIs for customer means profits for you
Only solution that delivers more than 90% accuracy consistently

Benefits for Strategic Alliance Partner
Orchestrate large scale partnerships & drive revenue
You reap the benefits without the burden of selling
Finding a partner for Cropin is easy. We solve for 10,000+ crop varieties

Benefits for Technology Partner
Offer easy integrations with Cropin to drive engagement
Build & develop for Cropin to earn rewards
Signup as implementation partner & drive revenue
What do our partners say about us?


Our team at Solnovation Associates has been able to work closely with Cropin teams in complete harmony, exchanging local intelligence, ideas, problem statements and solutions to serve our clients better. What we love about our partnership is the trust we have in each other and the transparency we have among us regarding leads, sales, revenues, ticket size, and commission.
CropIn treats us as a stakeholder, investor, partner, and a part of their organisation, making the association personal and profound.

Sussana Goitia
Heaven Sprout Foods

A big shout out to Cropin Product & Solutions team for training us extensively on different use cases, product features, frequently asked questions, and dummy problem statements. Not only are we able to sell more confidently, but we are also able to tailor solutions offerings as per clients needs resulting in improved close rates.
We have never loved any of our partners like we love Cropin!
Be the Changemaker. Join the Elite Group

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