Decode the Past, Present, & Future of Crop Yield Potential with CROPIN SAGE

Cropin Sage, powered by Google’s Gemini, is the world's first real-time, generative AI agri-intelligence platform aimed at simplifying decision-making across the global agricultural landscape. It leverages Cropin’s expertise in computing agri-intelligence for over a billion acres of land worldwide over the last decade.

Cropin Sage is a powerful querying engine that combines deep tech components such as Generative AI, multi-layered global climate data, a global crop knowledge graph, earth observation data, and advanced crop models. 

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Introducing akṣara:
Your Tiny AI Giant for a Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Ecosystem


About akṣara

Industry’s first purpose-built open-source micro foundational model to enable sustainable and climate smart agriculture. AI at your fingertips to protect yields, adapt to climate change, fight pests and diseases, save water and soil – even with limited data and resources.

The vision with akṣara is to create the world’s first AI powered digital agronomist, to answer precise and complex questions on regenerative agriculture and climate smart agriculture practices with simple prompts in a Q&A format. akṣara will empower human agriculture experts to help smallholder farmers at scale, while helping them navigate the impact of climate change in regions like Africa, India and SouthEast Asia.

Real-time, Gen-AI Agri-intelligence Platform for Informed Decisions with Actionable Intelligence 

Cropin Sage enables agribusinesses and governments to time travel and ask complex questions about the past, present and future of food production – and get answers in seconds.

Imagine instantly visualizing which regions are best suited for growing specific crops years into the future or understanding how climate change will impact yields on a global scale. Sage makes this possible, providing the insights needed to optimize supply chains, mitigate risks, and ensure food security for all. 

Ocean of Information

Ocean of

Leverages global unstructured data on weather patterns, soil conditions, historical yields, and more.

Gridification of Data

Gridification of

Data on cultivable land & factors influencing yield across the globe is structured into grids (1x1 km 5x5 km, 10x10 km)

Global Visibility

Pinpoint ideal locations for cultivating specific crops worldwide, all within seconds.

Predictive Insights


Analytical AI models simulate various scenarios utilizing millions of data points across relevant parameters.

See Akshara in Action

Cropin Sage Welcome Screen
Cropin Sage - Fetching Data
Cropin Sage - Answering

Empower your team with the power of data

Cropin Sage brings the power of agri-intelligence at your fingertips. 


  • Understanding User Intent from Text Queries: Converts user queries in natural language to SQL statements and accurately extracts user intent.
  • Visualization for Actionable Insights: Data from the database is processed as bar charts, time series graphs, and infographics for dynamic visualization.
  • Predictive Intelligence for Informed Decision-making: Predict underperforming crops, understand edge cases, identify potential problem regions, and even pinpoint consistently high-yielding regions.
  • Ask the Right Questions to Unlock Regional Intelligence: Understand past, present, and future patterns for specific crop value chains in seconds.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Track carbon sequestration against sustainable carbon footprint goals

  • Monitor Deforestation/Afforestation with Land Use & Land Change (LULC) Models
    Use our LULC models to distinguish between forest and agricultural land. Track plot encroachment into nearby forest land (or vice versa), and amount of encroachment over a specific configurable duration. Flag deforestation for each plot by LULC category and acreage of deforestation.

  • Assess Cover Crops with Cover Crop Monitoring Models
    Detect and monitor the growth of cover crops during off seasons. Get duration and termination dates of cover crops with our cover crop monitoring models. Use insights from the model data to design farm guidelines such as boundary trees, crop rotation, mulching etc. to increase crop residue and long-term climate resilience.

  • Capture Forest Aboveground Biomass (FAGB) details with FAGB Models
    Get insights into the presence of FAGB from our FAGB models powered with radar satellite imagery at specific time intervals. The model also calculates predicted biomass and difference in Mg/ha.

Learn More

Blog - It's not just AI, It’s a Food Security Revolution: akṣara is here

Technical Blog - The why & how of akṣara 1.0 a µ-LM for agriculture

Press Release - Introducing akṣara

Harness the power of Gen AI combined with the expertise of Cropin Cloud

Ask questions to Cropin Sage and get valuable insights on critical topics such as crop suitability, supply chain sustainability, production planning, and sourcing in a climate-impacted world.