The GEF- IFAD Climate Adaptation Project in Africa
Cropin’s SmartFarm won the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Challenge Program (GEF Press Release) for Adaptation Innovation, a competition that provides seed funding for innovative initiatives designed to help vulnerable countries cope with the worsening climate crisis.
Cropin, a global full stack Ag-tech organization, through its innovative and collaborative digital platform, SMARTFARM, will combine (1) digital technologies and services; (2) big data analysis of in-situ, satellite, and climate projection data on a regional and hyper local weather level; and (3) focused human efforts of 2000 agri-entrepreneurs built on digital technology training, actionable insights and advisories to increase climate change adaptation and resilience of 200,000 small-holder farmers in three Least Developed Countries in Africa, across six agri-value chains (cotton, cocoa, cashew, cassava, maize, rice) over a period of two years.
The climate adaptation model will serve as a farm as well as farmer management solution which is replicable at the policy and institutional levels bringing cost-effective, data-driven, scalable, and real-time collaborative digital agri-food system. The advanced phase of engagement will entail promoting intra-engagement for financial and market linkage leading to long term asset creation and sustainability for all agriculture value chain actors including women and youth.