Uncovering the grain of truth: Remote sensing to drive pest control in rice farming

Rajesh Jalan

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Partnering with like-minded entities to build damage-resilient crops

Space4Good, in collaboration with Cropin, is working on ‘CropLens’, a prototype early warning model for pests and diseases in a transplanted rice paddy that utilizes in-situ field observations, satellite data, and meteorological data together with AI. Bringing diverse experiences and skillsets to the table, the CropLens project has won the European funding via the Globalstars India funding mechanism as well as earned a EUREKA label supported by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).  


Addressing challenges in rice farming using  geospatial data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)  


The CropLens pilot study: Reinventing–and restoring–the rice agroecosystem with space technology at its core  

For the prototype pilot, the crop data is being collected from seven districts (West Godavari, East Godavari, Nellore, Guntur, Krishna, Prakasam, and Chittoor) in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India, with a sample size of 500 farmers in each season (Kharif and Rabi). Farmers are selected using a random sampling method.  

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Understanding how the tech works at the ground level (and the space level)  



The expected outcomes of using space-tech for productive smart rice farming using CropLens:  

Screenshot 2022-06-27 at 5.57.08 PMThe 360-degree proposed benefits of satellite data for one of the biggest commodities in the world, rice  

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The road ahead: Strengthening–and advancing–smart farming with tech-powered data and insights  

CropLens will be scaled to multiple crop types and agricultural landscapes as the momentum grows and the training potential increases. Furthermore, there is immense potential for institutions and stakeholders (like insurance companies) to contribute to improved risk management—an integral component that is lacking within the scope of this project.  

The inclusion of these entities will help with improved dissemination of the pest and disease risk estimates and advisories with the early adopters such as farmers, supply chain managers, governmental entities, and the entire ecosystem at large.  


About Space4Good: An impact maker leveraging space technology   

Space4Good is an innovative social enterprise utilising earth observation technology for social and environmental good. Combining remote sensing, geographic information systems, and artificial intelligence, we map, analyse and model complex ecosystems and support leading organisations and institutions on topics such as environmental crime detection, regenerative agriculture, tropical agroforestry management, humanitarian aid, and air pollution, and sustainable urban development. By doing so we help impact makers on the ground to make more informed decisions, improve operational efficiency, create data-driven transparency and unlock new revenue sources such as carbon credits. We are a growing team of impact-driven astropreneurs pushing the boundaries of geospatial innovation together with amazing partner multinationals, NGOs, universities, and like-minded social startups like The World Bank, Rabobank, Arsari Enviro Industri, Amnesty International, Red Cross, and Ecosia. 

Space4Good, is a certified Benefit Corporation (B.Corp) and social enterprise. 


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