Cropin’s Farm ERP- An agri-intelligence platform that simplifies your business

Vijay Nelson

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For decades, farmers and agricultural stakeholders have faced multiple stumbling blocks ranging from crop and resource management to dealing with the effects of climate change but with advanced farm ERP, agriculture can take a leap to an intelligence-based platform, efficiently designed to help the stakeholders shape a better future. 

What is a Farm ERP Software?

In simple terms, Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) is a software application that helps enterprises manage their core business functions efficiently in an integrated system. By extension, agribusinesses use farm ERP solutions to manage their farms, farmer networks, and other resources better, all the way from crop production to distribution.

Farm ERP solutions today are designed using modern smart farming technologies to provide significant benefits that include extensive automation, greater operational efficiency, and intelligent insights based on a centralized database. Together, these outcomes translate to cost savings and enhanced productivity for the stakeholders across various departments.

The need for a Farm ERP Software

Farm ERP maps data from all quarters for a thorough analysis and makes them readily available for quicker and smarter decision-making. It helps safeguard the stakeholders from multiple agricultural risks, such as low yield, inefficient resource management, roadblocks in supply chain management, and financial risk. 

Agriculture undergoes multiple challenges due to various factors, including vagaries of the weather in the region, global warming, diseases and pest infestations, water stress, and satisfying the rising consumer demands and changing tastes. When producers do not have the power to control such external factors, they need to look deeper at other aspects of agriculture. It includes production, administration, and support.

This is where farm ERP comes into the picture.

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Benefits of Farm ERP-based technologies

With Cropin, you can know the risks, opportunities, and requirements at the right time. SmartFarm (Cropin Grow), Cropin’s next-generation farm management software, allows for managing farming essentials skillfully. 

Below are a few advantages of using a Farm ERP solution:

  • Ability to share weather-forecast-based crop advisories with farmers. 
  • Arrive at the most suitable crop for the soil type and geographic location.
  • Automate crop advisories, package of best practices, activity plan notifications, and more for your field staff.
  • Ensure maximum utilization of resources for a higher net profit margin.
  • Keep track of your production with near-real-time insights.
  • Manage field officer productivity and automate workflows.
  • Monitor crop health and lifecycle stages in real time.
  • Leverage tonnage insights at the crop variety level to keep tabs on yield and output.
  • Get harvest date insights for single-cropping or multi-cropping systems.
  • Map activity plan to be followed throughout the cultivation process.
  • Manage and streamline harvest collection using pre-defined SKUs (stock-keeping units).

Farm ERP infographic on benefits of a Farm ERP platform

Amplify business value with a Farm ERP Platform

There are various additional benefits of using Enterprise Resources Planning platforms. These include but are not limited to:

  • Profit maximization: Advancements in technologies enable enterprises to drive efficiency and productivity, which can save time and resources and, hence, maximize ROI.
  • Reduced human-error index: Digitalization of day-to-day processes using farm ERP solutions eliminates paperwork and subsequent possibilities of human error and data loss while enhancing productivity effectively. 
  • Minimum resource usage, and maximum productivity: Farm ERP solutions allow a systematic approach to managing resources. Remote satellite monitoring of plot performance, clear activity plans and digitization of PoP (package of packages), easier scheduling and allocation of machinery and equipment, and reduced need for human labor: the list is endless. 
  • Enhanced risk management: Farm ERP software like SmartFarm (Cropin Grow) increases visibility and traceability along the production and supply chain. It enables agribusinesses to implement sound safety and quality compliance mechanisms, too. Timely alerts allow stakeholders to quickly identify vulnerabilities, including unfavorable weather conditions, potential disease outbreaks, or pest infestations, which decreases their response time to impending crises.
  • Optimized supply chain management:  SmartFarm summarizes the performance of each farm plot through insights on yield estimation, crop health, crop growth stage, and more. Together, they provide a fair idea of the expected output and warn stakeholders about a potential reduction in crop yields, allowing them to take corrective steps that boost yield output and economic gains. Further, they enable proactive harvest and post-harvest decision-making (resource allocation, post-harvest handling, storage, transportation) and ensure effective downstream planning. 

Farm ERP- Advanced Farm Management Software

Manage farms and farmers with an intelligent Farm ERP Platform

How can you utilize Cropin’s farm ERP in the best possible way? Take a look:

  • Farm and Farmer management:  Cropin's Farm ERP platform facilitates agribusinesses to create comprehensive digital records of the farms and farmers associated with them. It includes accurate geo-tagging and area audit of the farm plot, which provides the exact location and acreage of the piece of land. In addition, it also comprises personal details of the farmer with proof of identity, the crop and crop variety they cultivate, and images of the farm plot. Among many benefits, such farm/farmer records enable detailed profiling of the asset and the farmer, ensure farmers are provided with apt advisories for crop production, and permit traceability in agriculture.
  • Crop and Plantation Management:  Getting maximum yield from a crop depends on making the right decision right from the pre-sowing stage. It includes understanding which seed to plant for the existing soil and environmental conditions, the right sowing window, and the most favorable weather conditions. The most appropriate use of fertilizers and pesticides and proper nurturing procedures of the plants are also equally critical for crop vitality. The AI-based Farm ERP platform of Cropin efficiently addresses these aspects.
  • Resource Management:  The main factor that reinforces profit maximization is the adequate utilization of resources to produce greater yields. SmartFarm helps meet crop quality and quantity benchmarks with efficient resource usage. 

Crop management software is indispensable as a modern means to streamline agricultural management and maximize production. The day is not very far when the agriculture industry will turn into data-based agribusiness. For that matter, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning software are the prime tools to satisfy the requisites and help attain sustainability in agriculture. 

Go beyond Farm ERP with the Cropin ag-ecosystem intelligence platform

Book a meeting and learn what Cropin's Farm ERP solution brings to the table!

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